6 minute walk test
The 6 minute walk test is an endurance test relevant for weaker persons like patients and elderly people.
1. Mark up a 30 meter distance in a hallway or a corridor. The distance can vary between 20 and 50 meter without affecting the outcome of the test.
2. It is important to give a standardized encouragement to the persons being tested. Only use phrases like: "You are doing well" and "Keep up the good work".
3. Enter distance and other data to compare with reference values. Values from 75% and higher are considered to be within normal range.
Several different reference values have been published. The values used here are from Enright & Sherill 1998, as these are based on a large number of subjects who have not previously been accustomed to the test. The values are on men and women in the age range 40-80 years. Note that other reference values that are best on customization to the test typically are around 100 meter higher.